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3:15 p.m. - 2005-03-07
Beathan and Isabella
Isabella is lying in the bed. Last night was wonderful. They waited almost all of the night and eclipse happened as Beathan promised. It was her first time seeing one. She read all of the texts but this was different. Mr. Ogilvie admitted that it was something that one had to see.

It was both awesome and beautiful. Just like the rest of the night. It was different than the first time they were together. She came out just before the Run Off. She thought that she would be able to catch him as he was out setting up. She had not considered the weather. The water rose up and it became treacherous all around. She managed to make it to his cottage. He was surprised to find her and scolded her in his way of "non-scolding" that he had while he grabbed some towels and proceeded to dry her off.



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